Improve your Food Tastes with Himalayan Salt Cooking Blocks – Pink Salt Wall

By: Idrees Munir
Improve your Food Tastes with Himalayan Salt Cooking Blocks
Here, we will discuss in detail the health-improving benefits of using Himalayan salt cooking blocks. They are natural serving platters, cure foods, for searing meat, and can be used as chilled servings.
Salt Cooking Blocks, Slabs, Plates, and Bricks
Here we have a general discussion on the differentiation between Himalayan cooking salt blocks, salt slabs, plates, and bricks. The purpose of all of them is almost the same. There is a difference between their shapes and sizes. They all can be used for cooking, baking & grilling. Moreover, you get the same health benefits from all of them.
Bricks are thicker than others, they are typically in the shape of common brick.
Blocks are less thicker than bricks but more thicker than others.
Salt slabs and plates are typically designed for cooking purposes, they are available in various shapes and sizes. These are comparatively more creative culinary than blocks and bricks.
They all can be used with the same rules and precautions of cooking. There are the same temperature conditions for all types of blocks.
There are no additional added minerals, chemicals, or additives. They are one hundred percent natural. They come to you in the same condition as they are presented in their original form at the Himalayan salt mine range Khewra, Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan.
First of all, you have to heat up the block, slab, plate, or brick then you have to put the desired food on it. They are made for both hot and cold food presentations. No doubt, they are the high-end product for presenting your food and adding all essential minerals to the food.
A Natural Serving Platter
Cooking salt blocks, slabs, plates or bricks can be used as intriguing serving platters. No other product can beat the beauty of the presentation of Himalayan pink salt serving platters.
The Himalayan serving platter can be chilled in the refrigerator for presenting items like cheesecake, desserts, and salads. This is an enticing way to present your food. All the guests are gonna love this presentation.
The moist and soft foods have the capacity to get a more salty flavor and essential minerals. In this way, you can choose them for health-improving purposes. These foods are preferable to put on Salt Cooking Blocks, plates, bricks, or slabs. It includes a list of fruits, vegetables, desserts, bakery items, and others.
Origin of Salt Cooking Blocks
These blocks, plates, bricks, or slabs are basically linked with the Himalayan pink salt range Khewra, Jhelum, Pakistan. The deposits of pink salt in Pakistan were millions of years ago when an ancient sea deposited here and formed a gigantic range of crystalline rock Himalayan salt.
The huge boulders of crystalline Himalayan pink salt are cut down into small pieces and then they are crafted into cooking salt blocks, bricks, licking salt, decorative salt products, tiles, slabs, plates, panels, and much more.
You can also go for the option of sculpting the rocks of salt into customized cooking blocks. There will be the need and guidance of a professional sculptor, an artist, or a person who has better experience in carving stones.
Effects of Salt Cooking Blocks on Food,
First of all, most importantly, the Himalayan salt cooking plate is totally natural. It has no added chemicals, additives, or minerals. It contains up to 83 minerals and essential elements that are enough to fulfill the need for minerals in the human body. The salt is naturally clean and has antitoxins.
It gives a distinctive salty flavor to your food. Many researchers of Himalayan pink salt admit that the taste of Himalayan salt is tastier than all other types of salt and it is the most complex one, as you can not define its greatness.
The Himalayan salt also works as a curing. It preserves food. For example, if you place a sliced fish on the salt cooking block for an extended period of time then it works as a competitive preservative.
It affects wet and porous foods, as it gives a saltier taste to them. On the other hand, there is no effect of putting or cooking on salt blocks if your food is dry. For example, if you place a cheese cracker on the cooking salt block, slab, plate, or brick then the taste of cheese will be saltier but the taste of crackers will remain the same.
Just think! You are cooking or presenting your food on a 250-million-year-old block or slab, with 83 minerals and trace elements, the most natural salt on earth, and much more.
Can Be Used As Curing of Foods
Interestingly, these Salt Cooking Blocks, slabs, bricks, or plates can be used for curing food and preservation.
There is a food range that is preferable to use in curing, likewise, thin slices of meat, fish, and all types of seafood. Himalayan pink Salt Blocks can be used to cure thinly sliced meats, fish, and seafood.
Firstly, cool your cooking salt block in the refrigerator for several hours and then place thinly sliced pieces of meat, fish, or seafood on it. Give time to this process and observe the curing procedure that takes place slowly.
It does not only add a distinctive taste to your food. Additionally, it gives an enticing presentation to your guests. They will ask about the unique idea of presenting food on such sunset-hued serving platters.
There is a range of food that can be used for curing:
- Thinly sliced ahi tuna, salmon, or other fish
- Shrimp, prawns, scallops, or other shellfish
- Carpaccio
Sear Meat, Fish, and Vegetables
Most of the people sear food unhygienically. It can add harmful chemicals and toxins to your food. Searing food on the salt cooking blocks, slabs, plates, or bricks is the healthier and safest option.
Just heat the block slowly. You can use the oven, direct flame, or electric burner for searing fish, prawns, carpaccio, and much more.
Thinly sliced beef or veal
- Chicken, duck, or other poultry
- Scallops, shrimp, prawns, or other shellfish
- Fish filets
- Vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, asparagus)
- Eggs
- Apples, pears, pineapple, bananas and other fruit
There is a matter before searing the food. If you heat at a high temperature there will be the appearance of white spots on the Himalayan pink salt block. You don’t have to be worried about it. The marks will be gone when the cooking block or brick cools down.
You can have spare salt cooking blocks, brick plates, or tiles for searing food. One for cooking or searing and the other for the impressive presentation
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